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This is what I have been diligently creating the last two and a half weeks.
Meet Wilona, the MOM, and Windy Lou and Wesley.
They are dressed in blue and off white wool. The Mom has an antique vintage glass colbalt blue hat pin on her hat. The little girl has vintage antique blue shoe type buttons on her jacket.
The only glue used was a bit for the body to adhere to the wooden bobbin and it is sewn on it , also. And a bit of glue for the noses of the little children. Lots and lots of hand stitching on this family ! Even the children have wired arms !
I thought this family was going to melt before I was able to get them totally finished !
Stay tuned to when they will be listed on ebay....
Have a super duper Wednesday ! The sun is shining and it is so pretty outside right now..but nasty weather is on the way here for the next few days ! Tis November !
P.S. A pretty sunset tonight .. shown below from my front door is a view of the dairy farm on the hill ...notice the lights on in the barn !
The Winters Family Snow Folk Set is scheduled to list tomorrow night. This was an all day affair.. finishing up this set, taking photos, putting them in the computer and photobucket and then listing it on ebay !