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This photo was taken over the weekend on the North side suburbs of Pittsburgh. I runn oft on the spur of the moment and visited my sister.
Getting into Pittsburgh on Rt. 28 was no picnic or walk in the park. They are reconstructing the road and the traffic pattern is a maze , to say the least. I stopped traffic one time to get onto the lane I needed to be on ( the horns were a blaring at me ) and then had to get onto another lane to the right and a car was coming up on my right side .. well, almost hit him.. Thank the Lord, I didn't.
Then there was a wreck ahead not far from the E. Ohio Street exit and traffic was backed up for quite a while. But made it to my sister's house in one piece.
Then the shopping we did go ! We went to Robinson Town Mall area.. wasn't a parking place to be had around the mall, so we went to the stores around the mall.. Marshalls, T J Maxx, Bed, Bath and Beyond.. etc. We had a bite to eat at Max and Erma's. Fairly good food !
Lots of homes were all decked out in their Christmas lights and just so nice to look at while someone else was driving ! Thanks, Sis !
There is an empty store front in the Northway Mall on McNight Road that has a huge train display and I mean huge. Very nice for children of all ages to see.
Sunday evening we went to Ross Park Mall. Lots of folks still shopping for that special gift. Lots of upper end stores in this mall such as Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel, Norstroms, Macy's , L.L.Bean , Tiffany's , etc.. etc..
There is just so much to do and see in Pittsburgh ! Plus shopping !
My weekend with my sister was great ! Thanks, Sis !
Wishing you all a Glorious Merry Christmas !