This spot will be crazy tonight ~ bringing in the New Year... As the ad says below , I hope and pray great times are waiting for all of us including our Country. May God Bless Our United States ~
The above photos were taken this summer while I was in New York City.
December just flew on by but I was able to made a few prim goodies for TDIPT Mercantile that will be updated tonight after 9:00. Above is a sewing roll I made from my own pattern. I love how the inside of it turned out !
Also, a covered journal or receipt ( recipe ) book shown below that comes with a ditty bag. The fabric covered paper mache book comes with lots of pages so you can write your own recipes or poems, etc. Tucked in the book are a couple recipes I have printed on coffee dyed paper, one being an old family recipe for soup.
** The blue fabric on the one journal matches a bonnet I have for sale.. see the photo on the right sidebar. **
To see more photos of my offerings, please take a peek tonight after 9:00 on TDIPT Mercantile. Click the link below after 9:00 tonight..
Wishing you all a very Blessed and Healthy New Year tucked full of love and happiness !
Hugs, Smiles, and Blessings !