Down the road from where I live, is a lake. It makes for a nice view when out for a walk. This photo was taken this afternoon. We had three days of rain, cold, damp, and dreary weather so it was nice to get out today and enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine.
We really did need the rain, though, as we hardly had any rain all summer.
This is Mandy Jean, age 14, my personal trainer who likes taking me for a walk ! She also likes to run after rabbits since she is part beagle. :o) She is also part cocker spaniel. Give me a mixed breed dog anyday, before a pure bred one. Very intelligent little gal, so she is.
The bridge (or causeway) where Mandy is standing was built in 1936 by the W.P.A. The Works Progress Administration. The date and initials are carved in the cement.
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