Click the photos to enlarge.
These photos are from a little town called Millheim on Route 45 in Central Pennsylvania. This is the quaintest little town ! Above is a log structure that I believe was uncovered last year if I remember correctly in the center of the little village.
Below is the little park area in town. This photo taken from inside my car's windshield.

This hotel ( circa 1794 ) is amazing.. looks like it came right out of a movie set.. and is in Millheim, also.

And the photo below is Raggedy Creations's store in Millheim. I had the pleasure of meeting Felicia on Thursday briefly as she was working next door to her shop. Her Mother was minding the store.

The next three photos are from inside the Valley Showcase store that Felicia has. I couldn't resist buying one of her penny rugs.

Route 45 is my favorite road in the state of Pennsylvania. There is a round barn and numerous log homes on this route. And, of course, barns and farm land galore along with some scenic views. Old brick homes and buildings..lots of history here.
For a chance to win one of Felicia's penny rugs, click the penny rug on the sidebar.
Have a great weekend...