Monday, April 30, 2012
Psstt.... TDIPT Mercantile Update Tonight and the remedy for posting photos on the blog posts.
April went by in a blur it seems.. but I did manage to get this dollie made with her church dollie.
She will be listed tonight around 9 p.m. on TDIPT Mercantile.
The photos of her do not do her justice. She has been coffee dyed/ cinnamon / sanded for a timeworn look and also her outfit has been coffee dyed but the light makes the photo look lighter than what it is.
I think I figured out the placement of the photos on the blogs now since they called themselves updating blogger.
As you write your post.. if you leave some space ~ about seven lines or so ~ where you want to add a photo.. click on that first line as if you were going to start typing something and then click on the photo image. If you click on the photo you want to place there and wait till it says done, of course, it should go in the space
where you wanted it.
Also to make a space inbetween paragraphs when writing your post.. click options to the right of the page and click on enter for line breaks and hit done.
I can't believe I figured something out on my own when it comes to computers.
It looks like a nice day here so far. The sun is shining , the sky is blue and it is warming up .. which is fine with me !
Have a fun day !
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
This Last Saturday.. I r u n n ...... o f t .....
My friend and I r u n n o f t to N Y C on a bus trip just for something to do and to get out of the sticks for a while !
Shown on the above photo is a screen outside of the M & M store. This store is huge.
The next four photos are taken on Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center. It was really hazy on Saturday morning in NYC. It was a nice warm sunny day, though. Where I live in West Central Pa.. it was really cold and rainy on Saturday , so I picked a good day to go to N Y C.
A bird's eye view of the ball at Times Square.
Central seen from Top of the Rock.
My friend, Bonnie, with the Empire State Building in the background.
The Empire State Building and lower Manhattan with a very hazy view of the Statue of Liberty.
The Ice Skating Rink at Rockefeller Center. The gal shown below skating is a very good skater and also the man shown near her. In place of the ice skating rink, they will be placing a dining area there probably next month for the warmer weather.

Grand Central Station above.. an old and huge building. Not as crowded as I thought it would be. I nabbed the interior photo from the internet. I took the outside photo of Grand Central.
Radio City Music Hall. We missed the tour for the inside of Radio City.. their tours run from 11 to 3.
Times Square above and below a photo of the outside of the Hershey's Store.
Macy's Department Store is undergoing a renovation and it was a mess inside with areas blocked off.
Below is a sight .. have you heard of the Naked Cowboy..well, here he is in the flesh.. he does have tighty whitey's on, though. He is usually seen at Times Square.
I don't know who the lady is with him.. For a little money donation, you can have your photo taken with him. He has a degree in Political Science. Type in Naked Cowboy in your search browser..
Above is a photo of the American Girl Doll Store. You can purchase a doll of any color skin, hair and eyes and any accessory you can imagine is for sale here . A lot of folks were shopping with their little girls buying them anything their heart's desired.
Above and below are murals at the Main Public Library. This library is made from marble and it is gorgeous !
My friend and I had a fun day and got plenty of exercise walking around a part of Manhattan.
Now I have to get something completed for TDIPT next Monday evening..
Have a fun day !
Monday, April 23, 2012
A Dental Appointment Today ....

A dental appointment I had made for today from last year because I didn't think there would be any snow on the ground to contend with ...will be cancelled today by me since I am not going up north over a couple mountains to Johnsonburg, PA today in this snow.
Do you think my dear sweet dh should get up out of bed and remove his truck from the underneath of this crabapple tree ?

As of 7:45 a.m. , this is how much snow we have so far..and they are calling for another 10 or so inches that I hope does not transpire ! We may lose our electric if that happens from fallen tree branches and wires.
Got to run and call and cancel my appointment to the dentist ! Trust me, I would rather go to the dentist than see this outside !
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
If you live near Altoona, State College, Clearfield or DuBois, Pennsylvania
There is a bus trip by Fullington Trailways on their tour bus going to the Smithsonian Institution Musuems in Washington on April 28th ( next Saturday ).
The bus trip is only $68.00 and the Museums have free admission.
Just call 814 765 7871 before Friday, April 20th to reserve a seat on the bus and to find out the time to meet the bus in your area ! Call toll free at 800 252 3893.
The bus stops at a nice restaurant for breakfast, the museums have restaurants, cafeterias and coffee shops where you can get a bite to eat and at 5:00 p.m. , the bus picks you up from the Museums and then goes to the Union Station in Washington for dinner. At Union Station you will find plenty of eateries and boutiques for every taste and pocketbook. It is like a mall with a historic atmosphere built over 100 years ago.
The Smithsonian is within walking distance to the Washington Monument and the Capital Building. If you would like to walk a little further , there is the Lincoln Memorial and White House to see at a closer view.
You can even dine at the American History Museum and have a view of the Washington Monument as shown on a photo below ! The food is delicious at the restaurants.
At the American History Museum you can see Abraham Lincoln's hat, Michael Jackson's hat, Dorothy's red shoes from the Wizard of Oz, Archie Bunker's chair , President Grant's carriage, the Star Spangled Banner , fashion and dinnerware from the White House from days gone by and a whole lot more.
At the Natural History Museum, you can see the Hope Diamond, Marie Antionette's jewelry, gold nuggets, huge gemstones, dinosaurs and fossils, etc.
There is an Air and Space Museum with aircraft from the Wright Brothers to the Moon Explorers and everything inbetween.
Also, there is an Art Museum, an Indian Museum, the Smithsonian Castle, and 13 more museums to visit.
You can see the Capital Building and also the Washington Monument from the Smithsonian Museums and both are within walking distance.
Photos below of items and artifacts in the Museums..
Dining in the American History Museum Cafeteria Restaurant. Good old American Food !
An educational and enjoyable trip for all ages !
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Simple Early Doll and More....

This is what I have been doing the month of March ! Sewing for the most part ! I made a simple early doll with her own pin keep box.. The box matches the bluebird pin keep box I have for sale in my etsy shop.. click the photo on the sidebar.

I have also made two Civil war journals.. one with Confederate currency and one with Union currency and your choice of photo.

I love these Civil War Journals ! The reproduction currency came from the Smithsonian Museum of American History when I was there in March.
From my own pattern, I made a Colonial Ladies Pocket from osnaburg and a civil war reproduction looking fabric. I embroidered the flower design on the front and it has been coffee dyed for an old time worn look. The 20 " long bonnet is made from muslin and is coffeedyed.

They are listed in my little corner of TDIPT Mercantile this month. click the link to take a peek ~
In between sewing , I have been getting out and walking laps around the mall and outside when the weather is warm.
As for the house... cleaning, etc... looks like that will be a project this week !
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