Before I get into helping my dh paint the house, I thought it would be nice to take a break first !
So we went to Lewisburg, PA. that is along Routes 45 and 15 in Pennsylvania.
Getting there is even enjoyable along Rt. 45. This is my most favorite road in Pennsylvania ! The absolute most wonderful tranquil, peaceful and quaint highway to drive along. Make sure you have someone else drive so you can take a gander at all the old homes, farms, log homes, brick homes, big old farm houses, little quaint towns .. along this road.
I took some photos of the old log homes that are along this stretch of road , but since I do not have permission of the owners who live in them, I best not post them.. and one of the homes is for sale ! They are located in Aaronsburg.
The above photo is an inside photo of the 125 shops complex. In this old refurbished woolen mill, there are an array of shops.. It is set up like a little town inside. You can find some great deals on Longaberger baskets in a few of these shops if you are a collector. Also, there are antiques, primitives, country decor, tea towels, curtains, candles, framed prints, folk art, seasonal decorations, and lots more.

This round barn is along Rt. 45. Isn't it great !

This Country Cupboard Restaurant is located in Lewisburg along Rt. 15. It has a Pennsylvania farm style country type food buffet, plus regular menu items, a huge gift shop, lamps and lighting, candy, bakery, farm style canned food, kitchen items, a small greenhouse, clothing, heritage lace, seasonal decor and more !
The cranberry orange relish on the buffet was delicious ! Psst.. the apple butter needs a little cinnamon in it, though. The ham and bean soup was good, too. Also, the turkey, homemade macaroni and cheese casserole, and the blueberry dessert....all yummy !
Okay, back to work I go..
Have a fun day !